Monday, July 13, 2015


Long time no hear...from me of course! Since it's been like forever, I wanted to reintroduce myself and get you caught up. I am Whitney, 1st grade teacher, trying to be the best ME!

As you know Back to School aisles are out and active! If you haven't raided Target already, you may be too late.... Here's a few things I recently picked up.
I may have went over the top with the chalkboard!!! I plan on putting the turquoise board by my desk for notes and reminders. I have some tin cans that could use those cute little labels. Who knows where it'll go, but I can't wait to decorate my room.

OAN: I just got back from TPTVegas15, so I'll be blogging about that soon. Check back later!!!

A BIG SHOUT OUT TO POLKA DOTS AND PALS: She did a total makeover on my blog and it looks absolutely positively fabulous! I'm in love!!! :)

Friday, June 26, 2015

First Time

Hello Everyone! I have been debating on creating a blog or not. After months of indecisiveness, I chose to! I created this blog to share ideas, products, and general convo! We start school August 8, but I've been anxious to start! My coworker and I began setting up our rooms this past week. We also did some painting and a Pinterest idea: bucket seats!!! So excited!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

School Has Begun

Hello World! School has officially begun! Pretty bittersweet... I'll miss my freedom of napping, snacking, online shopping, and soap-watching... Oh well I do need some structure back in my life. 

Im so excited to share some classroom pictures! My theme is O.W.Ls (Outstanding. Wonderful. Leaders) because we're a Leader in Me school! 
As I was decorating I noticed my white cabinets were not so white anymore. 

So, what's a girl to do? 

Paint them, of course! They look like sunshine! I put the first 100 fry words up to create my word wall. I love it!

I also made a header for my mailbox that someone tried to throw away (unbelievable)!!! It was my lucky day!

Ohhh and my favorite is my Genius Ladder from WBT!!! I'm in love! 

I also got a new rug for my reading center at a deal!!! 

Ok, one last picture of my room will be the outside if my door. I love how the tree turned out! Love it! Sorry for the lighting in advance. It was late after school and the lights were already out. 

Lastly, the cool 5th grade teacher's door across the hall! 

School officially began Froday and I'm so excited about this school year! Hope you enjoyed the pictures! Have a fabulous school year!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Mini Vacay

Summer is almost over and I've been thinking about, creating things, and working on school related activities... What a summer! 😁 Anyways my husband planned us a mini vacay to Memphis, TN!!!! Yay! So we went, we walked, and my favorite is that we ate! Whoop whoop!!! Here's a few pictures! 

3 more days and summer is over! Bittersweet! 😒

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Seating Tutorial

Hello! I had a request to show how I made my crate seats and bucket seats. I made my crate seats last year so I don't have pictures :( I did find some great tutorials on Pinterest! I used 6 plastic crates from Walmart ($3.97), 3/4" plywood from Lowes (they cut it to size for free!!!!), 2" poly foam (Hobby Lobby), spray adhesive, 3 yards of fabric, and a staple gun!
I traced the plywood on the foam 6x. Then, I cut them out. Next, I sprayed the adhesive on the plywood and fixed the foam in top. Then, I cut the fabric into 6 even rectangles and affixed one on top of the foam. I then flipped it over and stapled down. Whaa-la place it in the lid of your crate! You now have a crate seat!!! Here is a picture of mine! 

Now, for my bucket seats!!! I just made these last week! I saw where others posted that 6 of them cost about $35 to make, but I found that not to be true! I bought 3 yards of paisley fabric from Hobby Lobby at 30% off for $10. 
Luckily I had enough foam left over from the crate seats to fit 4 buckets, so I bought 2 small 2" foam pieces from Hobby Lobby for $10 (I used a 40% off coupon on one). Then, I went to Lowes to find a black bucket, but they had no buckets in stock! Bummer! So, I drive down to Home Depot where I found them, but the buckets were $3.85 and the lids were $1.85!!! I was like wait a minute!!! Each bucket would be almost $6 and I need 6!!! Of course I did not get them! I asked everyone and fortunately my Dad found 6 at his job with lids! Yay!!!
The buckets were white so I took them outside to spray paint (Krylon Fusion). 
As they were drying I was determined to make the cushion. I used 2" foam to keep it plush because after being sat on they'll flatten a bit. I used a lid to trace onto the foam 6x. I also cut the fabric into 6 pieces. I laid the fabric pattern down, placed a foam circle on top, with the lid bottom side up. I pulled the fabric and stapled (1/2" staples). Well....unfortunately the staple went through and could be felt. Luckily my husband said hot glue! Oh yea!!! So I folded the fabric and glued away!!! Cushion complete, bucket dry, final product!!!
I love them and sure my kids will too!!!
Hope this helps! 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Sneak Peak

I have  working hard to get my room back together and organized. Today was the day for students to see who their teacher is!!! Between working the table and answering the phone I didn't get much accomplished. Here are a few pics so far...
My reading center with crate seats!
Here's my small group table...excuse the messy table and focus on my new bucket seats! 
Here's a random! 
So far so good, but still lots to do!!!